The images in the house of a man we studied with. (actually, it's his father-in-law's house) |
Lucile, a girl, we studied with in the city of Siquijor. |
A view of the beach at the hotel. |
Richard, Brad, Clint, and I strike a pose at the hotel. |
Eating breakfast with some of the brothers. |
A view of the hotel's restraunt and main desk from the beach. |
The beach had a perfect view of the beautiful sunsets! |
Another one of God's beautiful sunsets! |
Brad working on his sea-creature menagerie, containing crabs and sea snails. |
A close-up shot of the menagerie. You can see several snails along the edges of the shell, and a small crab at bottom center. |
One of the abundant large orange starfish on found at low tide. |
A sand-colored starfish burrowing into the wet sand. |
A scary-looking starfish! |
So many starfish!! There are at least 20 in this picture! |
The reason we didn't go swiming - a spiny sea urchin!! |